Òscar’s new work A Silent Geography of the Wind Chained Over a City, commissioned by the Spanish Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical, will be premiered in the CNDM’s prestigious series at the Queen Sofia Museum by the Modus Novus Ensemble and Santiago Serrate; preceded by a pre-concert talk at Madrid’s Royal Conservatoire.

Òscar’s new nocturne for sinfonietta A Silent Geography of the Wind Chained Over a City was commissioned by the Spanish Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical as part of the 2017-18 season Series 20/21 at the Queen Sofia Modern Art Museum in Madrid. The premiere will take place on Monday the 15th of January, 2018, at 7.30pm in the Auditorio 400 of the Queen Sofia Modern Art Museum, performed by the group Modus Novus under the direction of Santiago Serrate (directions, info and tickets here).

The concert will be preceded by a pre-concert talk at Madrid’s Royal Conservatoire with the other commissioned composer, Enrique Igoa, which will be chaired by Alicia Díaz de la Fuente, composer and lecturer on Contemporary Music Analysis at the Royal Conservatoire (more info here).

Information and reservations for the pre-concert talk:
Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid | www.rcsmm.eu | info@rcsmm.eu | +34 91 539 29 01

Download the Hand Programme and Programme notes here.

15th of January, 2018 | 19.30 h. | Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid | Auditorio 400

Modus Novus

Santiago Serrate| director

Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)

Òscar Colomina i Bosch (1977)
A Silent Geography of the Wind Chained over a City *+ (2017)

Enrique Igoa (1958)
Friso de los vientos, op. 56 *+ (2017)

K. Stockhausen
Zeitmaße (1955/56)

*+ World Premiere. Commissioned by CNDM