Òscar will conduct the Catalan chamber orchestra Camerata XXI in the 36th Edition of the Pau Casals International Festival in El Vendrell (Catalonia), featuring works by Mozart, Elgar and Bartók

The concert will take place in the Pau Casals Auditorium in the coastal town of El Vendrell, the birthplace of the legendary Catalan cellist.


Saturday 23rd of July, 20:30 h

Camerata XXI Chamber Orchestra

Oscar Colomina, conductor

·Divertimento KV 138, W.A.Mozart (1756-1791)

·Serenade for Strings Op.20, E. Elgar (1857-1934)

·Divertimento, B. Bartók(1881-1945)

Tickets Sales (25€)

More info HERE.