
Los Angeles Philharmonic Green Umbrella (Noon to Midnight) / Aldeburgh Festival / Philharmonia Orchestra / Menuhin International Violin Competition / Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León / Real Filharmonia de Galicia / Schubert Ensemble / Orchestra of the Swan


Menuhin School Orchestra / Orquestra de València / Orquestas Jóvenes de la Filarmónica de Bogotá / Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag / Orpheus Sinfonia / Camerata XXI / Castilla y León Conservatoire New Music Ensemble / Joven Orquesta Sinfónica Ciudad de Salamanca

Chamber Music Coaching & Masterclasses

The Yehudi Menuhin School & Royal Academy of Music (UK) / Royal Conservatoire of The Hague & Akoesticum (Holland) / Porto PianoFest (Portugal)

Institutional Roles & Management

Dean of Music at the Reina Sofía School of Music (Spain) / Former Director of Music at The Yehudi Menuhin School (UK) / Former Artistic Director The Menuhin Hall (UK)


Browse through Oscar's broad catalogue of works / Listen to audio and video material / Read about his commissions, festivals residencies, broadcasts, and transcription/orchestration work.


Inspiring young Musicians: watch Oscar's most memorable performances with talented young performers, ensembles and orchestras and read about his experience as Artistic Director.

Coaching & Masterclasses

Unlocking Potential: Oscar's experience as a Chamber Music coach, lecturing and his presence in International Courses & Masterclasses.

Institutional Roles & Management

Òscar's unique blend of experiences: working in a variety of roles in some of the leading music institutions in the world.

Featured Projects

Youtube links to a selection of Oscar's compositions & conducting work.


El compositor valencià Oscar Colomina i Bosch, convidat per John Adams i Los Ángeles Philharmonic

Després d’escoltar una obra de Colomina i Bosch a Seattle (Shpigl, encàrrec del Concurs Internacional de Violí Yehudi Menuhin), el compositor i director estatunidenc John Adams va decidir incloure-la en...

El compositor valenciano Oscar Colomina i Bosch, invitado de John Adams y Los Ángeles Philharmonic

Tras escuchar una obra de Colomina en Seattle (Shpigl, encargo del Concurso Internacional de Violín Yehudi Menuhin), el compositor y director estadounidense John Adams decidió incluirla en un concierto con...

John Adams & Los Angeles Philharmonic Invitation

After listening to young American violinist Marley Erickson perform Shpigl, composer John Adams invited her to perform Òscar’s work in a Los Angeles Philharmonic concert in October 2016, as part...

Shpigl performed in Cheltenham, Harrogate, Gower & Oundle Festivals by Menuhin Competition Junior Winner

Yesong Sophie Lee, the winner of the 2016 Junior section of the Yehudi Menuhin International Competition returns to the UK for a Summer tour, performing Shpigl in four of the...

Òscar conducts in the 36th Pau Casals International Festival

Òscar will conduct the Catalan chamber orchestra Camerata XXI in the 36th Edition of the Pau Casals International Festival in El Vendrell (Catalonia), featuring works by Mozart, Elgar and Bartók...

Cantus for violin & ensemble featured in Portuguese National Radio – RTP

 Òscar’s violin and ensemble piece Cantus featured in the programme ‘Geografia dos Sons’ in Antena 2, the Classical Music channel of the Portuguese National Broadcasting Corporation On 27/06/2016, Antena 2, the classical music...

Òscar, in the teaching faculty of Akoesticum Talent Programme – The Netherlands

Òscar will be part of the teaching faculty alongside Jean-Bernard Pommier, Marcel Baudet, David Dolan, Maria Milstein, Jérôme Pernoo and Johannes Meissl. The new chamber music course, offers outstanding young pianists and string...

Òscar’s Music Featured in Portuguese National Radio (RTP)

Òscar’s music featured in the programme ‘Geografia dos Sons’ in Antena 2, the Classical Music channel of the Portuguese National Broadcasting Corporation On 30/05/2016, Antena 2, the classical music radio channel of...

Open Letter Against the Closure of European Union Youth Orchestra

Below a copy of the e-mail Òscar sent Mr Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. Please give EUYO your support as well by signing the petition, sharing...

Affiliations and Collaborations

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